A Cool New Airpods Ad

This great new airpods ad was made mostly with practical effects, directed by Oscar Hudson and backed by a new version of “I Learned Some Jazz Today”. Via AdAge:

As an ad for Apple’s wireless AirPod headphones, the spot was fittingly created without the use of wires or a harness. In fact, almost all of the gravity-defying movement in the spot was made using practical effects, not CGI in post.

The team shot outdoor scenes in Kiev, Ukraine, before recreating the entire town on a set inside the country’s largest airplane hangar. The “ground,” however, was built six feet off the floor, to allow space for trampolines built into the sidewalks.

When the actor, a protégé of high-flying choreographer and acrobat Yoann Bourgeois, bounces off a grate in the film, he is actually bouncing off a grate made of trampoline material. Another trampoline is painted to look just like a real manhole cover.

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