Athlete A

Athlete A is a new Netflix documentary about USAG Gymnastic’s mass-cover up of the Larry Nassar scandal, where he abused many girls over decades. Via Screenrant:

Netflix documentary Athlete A recounts the shocking USA Gymnastics sex abuse scandal, in which more than 500 former patients of sports doctor Larry Nassar reported having been molested by over a period of several decades. The film covers the broad strokes of the case, but with a scandal this far-reaching there are also some details left out.

The “Athlete A” of the documentary’s title refers to Maggie Nichols, a gymnast who came forward about the abuse she’d experienced while in Nassar’s care in 2015. After being told about the allegations, USA Gymnastics President and CEO Steve Penny waited five weeks before reporting it to the FBI. Nichols and her family say that they were told by USAG not to go public, and Nassar continued to treat (and molest) young gymnasts for a further fifteen months, until a story about his history of abusing girls broke in The Indianapolis Star.

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