Avengers: Endgame

Is everyone watching the Avengers: Endgame film this week? We think so. We also have a few problems with the trailer. What -is- that new uniform? Also, people are already hoping that everyone will die. Via the Guardian:

I love the Avengers. I collected the comics during university; I full-on snot-bubble cried at the cinema during Infinity War when – SPOILERS – Loki and Spiderman copped it. That film grossed over a billion at the box office, with its sequel – the culmination of over a decade of interconnected superhero cinema – on track to do even better. So you think I’d be hoping that those left standing would survive for another decade of adventures. But, actually, not so much. It’s going to hurt, but it’s time for them all to cop it. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye. Especially Hawkeye.

The debate about who’s going to make it isn’t the loudest one the Marvel films have inspired among fans – it’s the diversity debate that’s steadily been getting louder. Or, “the diversity debate – ALL STRENGTH TO IT” as Tilda Swinton earnestly put it in her email to Margaret Cho on Marvel casting her in 2016. You know, when she played the Ancient One? A Tibetan man. That guy; remember? That’s who Swinton – the white Scottish woman of 55 who lives in the Highlands – played.

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