Banksy shreds his art

ICYMI: Banksy pulled one of the biggest art stunts of the century, causing his framed Girl with Balloon piece to shred after it sold for $1.4mil. Via the Guardian:

If this moment of artistic terrorism last Friday really had been – as at least one member of the audience appeared to think – the sign for all the collectors and dealers assembled at yet another big-selling night in the art industry to be dragged out of the auctioneer’s and shot, there would be VIP blood in the gutters of New Bond Street. For Banksy put his artwork through the shredder at the climax of the busiest week in the London art market, when international collectors fly in for the Frieze art fair and its satellite parties, private views and purchases. “In the spirit of Frieze week, the October contemporary art evening auction is led by a selection of outstanding works,” enthused Sotheby’s about its sale. Apparently, it had no idea that one of these modern treasures was booby-trapped.

Apparently Sotheby’s wasn’t in on the act:

A spokesperson on behalf of Banksy said: “I can categorically tell you there was no collusion between the artist and the auction house in any shape or form.

“The painting had 27 confirmed bidders on the night. A reputable auction house would never encourage their valued clients to bid on something they knew would be destroyed, their credibility would never recover. Banksy was as surprised as anyone when the painting made it past their security systems.”

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