Black Ops 4 and Community Content

The ads for the new Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 involves community-created content, curated by its advertising team, and it’s surprisingly not an impenetrable set of memes and in-jokes. Via Kotaku:

In anticipation of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s release on October 12, the Call of Duty brand has launched a wave of commercials that lean into what the community has been doing during the various betas this year. They’re funny!
These videos, tagged with #CODNation, are made up of community created content that has been curated by the Call of Duty advertising machine. My immediate gut reaction to “community-created content” is that these things are going to be chock full of memes that no one will understand, but this first wave of approved Black Ops 4 content is solid enough that they deserve a watch.


Of course, as people begin making these outside of the Call of Duty approved videos, it is almost guaranteed that the charm is going to wear off. But for now, in this moment, I appreciate this goofy advertising strategy.

Hopefully, the people whose videos were approved were then paid appropriately for their work. In the meantime, Call of Duty has released 8 videos so far online.

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