Burrell and #BlackIsHuman

Burrell’s powerful latest PSA is part of its #BlackIsHuman campaign, calling attention to the death of Jason Hargrove from the coronavirus. Via the Burrell site:

Our initiative, called “Black is Human,” first began by calling attention to the violence affecting young black boys, that was tragically their “normal,” while growing up every day. Our efforts were to inspire change, by showing black boys as humans, not statistics, and with the same hopes and aspirations any boy would have “if” they lived long enough to even achieve adulthood.

Now, we are facing yet another human tragedy. The loss of lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic is devastating, and the black community is disproportionately impacted with blacks being twice as likely to die from the virus.

Jason Hargrove was simply doing his job as a bus driver in Detroit. He died April 1, 2020 from COVID-19, eleven days after he shared his message about civic responsibility. Despite stay-at-home orders, people are out in public spaces without masks and gloves endangering essential workers, and the family of Jason Hargrove said, “he did not deserve this.”

“Please, people, I’m begging you. I’m begging you. Do not let my husband’s death be in vain,” is Jason Hargrove’s widow, Desha’s heartbreaking plea.

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