Gun Control and Classrooms

These gun control PSAs show how arming teachers in classrooms is a bad idea — following the American national debate post-Parkland. Via Adweek:

President Trump felt the wrath of gun control advocates earlier this year when he suggested that teachers carry guns during school to prevent mass shootings. Just days after a gunman killed 17 people at a high school in Parkland, Florida, on Valentine’s Day, the president said an armed teacher would have “shot the hell” out of the attacker, thereby preventing disaster.

A group using the hashtag #VoteEmOut is now rallying against the president’s comments via a series of dark and satirical PSAs that show what it might look like if teachers actually came to school armed.

In one film, a shot is accidentally fired in the teacher’s lounge after a standoff over a plate of complimentary blueberry muffins. In another, a teacher uses his gun to intimidate a bully in the hallway. Then he and a colleague reminisce about how all they could do in the past was just send kids to the principal’s office—before complimenting another teacher about his new Glock. A third spot sees a teacher go back and forth with a student on a math problem. She’s not a great educator, but we soon learn why she was hired anyway.

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