Hallmark Channel and Zola

Hallmark Channel recently came under criticism for removing a Zola ad from its Christmas line-up, because it features a lesbian couple. Via CBS News:

Under pressure from a conservative advocacy group, The Hallmark Channel has pulled ads for a wedding-planning website that featured two brides kissing at the altar. The family-friendly network — which is in the midst of its heavily watched holiday programming — removed the ads because the controversy was a distraction, a spokesperson said in an interview Saturday.

“The debate surrounding these commercials on all sides was distracting from the purpose of our network, which is to provide entertainment value,” said a statement provided by Molly Biwer, senior vice president for public affairs and communications at Hallmark.

hilarious. After widespread online condemnation, Hallmark has as of yesterday decided to reinstate Zola’s ads. They probably should’ve seen it coming.

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