Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds bury the hatchet

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds bury the hatchet by making ads for each other. Or did they…. Via

With muscles like those, you’d think they’d fight it out offline.

Marvel men Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have put to peace their fan favourite internet feud. The ultimate truce maker? An advertising collaboration, of course.

“Official truce with @realhughjackman! As a gesture of goodwill, I’m gonna make a beautiful ad for his company, Laughing Man Coffee. Can’t wait!” Reynolds tweeted, along with a photo of him and Jackman holding hands.

Hey, even these superheroes are willing to put their pride aside when there’s a money-making ad opportunity at hand. The Twitter war between the Wolverine and Deadpool actors has been brewing online since 2017, much to the enjoyment of their respective fanbases. Highlights of the ribbing have included Jackman asking viewers to urinate on Reynold’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star, and Reynolds tweeting, “Pretty sure those are protesters,” in response to a post of Jackman posing with fans in Beijing.

The result was a heartfelt ad by Ryan Reynolds for Hugh Jackman’s coffee company, albeit with a painful pun involving Hugh’s name… and a less-than-heartfelt ad by Hugh for Ryan’s gin company. Watch it.

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