Le Nuage

Le Nuage is a short film expressing the many frustrations of creative output by Russian film student Iulia Voitova, including writer’s block. Looking to deal with creative block? FastCoDesign has some suggestions:

The easy thing to do, especially when a deadline is looming, is to lose perspective. The harder but much more productive mindset is to realize that you–and virtually everyone you respect and admire–have overcome blocks in the past. You might even say that it’s part of the process. So have a lot of successful people you think never have such problems producing work. “Anyone who tells you they don’t encounter creative block is either not passionate about what they do or is stealing someone else’s ideas,” asserts the graphic designer Mike McQuade.


Lots of reading and lots of sketching. The reading part is a long-term strategy: constantly consuming ideas, influences, details, angles, metaphors, symbols, etc., and storing them in the back of your brain so that later on–sometimes much later on–you have a rich catalog of starting points to draw from. Sketching is a way to activate all of that background information when faced with a problem: the act of drawing, of giving visual expression to many different ideas, helps you sort through all of those random elements and to make unexpected connections between them. The key is to sketch quickly, without getting caught up in the execution or technique. That way you stay in the realm of content, without getting bogged down.

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