McDonalds introduces the Frork…?

In more strange brand campaigns this week for fast food chains, McDonalds has just introduced the Frork, a cross between fries and a fork. Via Adweek:

Fast food is fast developing a reputation for fast-laugh product development.

Did you think Burger King’s alleged Whopper toothpaste was a little much? McDonald’s has tossed its own goofy offering into the mix—the Frork, which is basically a plastic red handle into which you can stuff three french fries to use as prongs.

Created to promote its Signature Crafted Recipes sandwich line, the item is introduced in an “infomercial” starring English pitchman Anthony Sullivan, known for promoting such renowned American inventions as OxiClean and the GrillGlove (“great for lobsters!”).

“Will the Frork change your life? Probably not,” Sullivan says. “Will the Frork improve your Signature Crafted Recipes eating experience? I mean, sure … maybe.”

In Sullivan’s defense, the hyperbole is measured with some tongue-in-cheek deprecation. The tricky-to-pronounce Frork is “flavor-focused” yet “fundamentally superfluous!” It’s “ludicrous…ly easy to use!”

Meanwhile, Sullivan and a chef with a deranged late-night grin demonstrate the Frork’s merits by using it to mop up sauce around dripping Signature sandwiches, including the Pico Guacamole, Sweet BBQ Bacon and Maple Bacon Dijon.

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