MIFF 2019: The Rest

We’re looking forward to catching The Rest at MIFF 2019, another film from acclaimed Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei. Via Vox:

Ai and his team shot much more footage and interviews for Human Flow than they could use in one film, so they’ve followed it up with The Rest, which moves from the macroscopic to the microscopic. The Rest once again moves around the globe, but focuses on the faces and individual impact of the conditions that refugees often face. It is moving and sometimes very difficult to watch, but always focuses on dignity and the beauty of each human no matter their migration status.

The Rest premiered at Copenhagen’s prestigious CPH:DOX festival in April, and two months later, Ai and the film traveled for its UK premiere to the Sheffield Doc/Fest in northern England, where I met the artist to speak about the film, his work, and what gives him hope. Our conversation has been edited for clarity.

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