Nathan Fillon and Uncharted

Nathan Fillon, the fan-favourite to play Nathan Drake in Uncharted, has appeared in a short fanmade film for the game along with Stephen Lang as Sully. Via the Verge:

Uncharted fans have been clamoring to see Drake in a Hollywood-caliber production for nearly a decade. (They’ve also been clamoring to see Fillion play the character for about the same amount of time.) In 2010, Columbia Pictures confirmed that a movie was in development, but it’s been stalled for the last eight years over multiple rewrites, directors and producers attaching then flitting in and out, and conflicts with Neil Druckmann, creative director of Naughty Dog and the writer of three of the Uncharted games. The latest developments in the Uncharted movie saga so far say that Shawn Levy (Stranger Things) will be directing, with Joe Carnahan (Smokin’ Aces) writing the script, and starring Tom Holland (Spider-Man: Homecoming) as a young Nathan Drake.

It seems to be going well. “The Uncharted movie, yeah, we’ve had some conversations with Shawn Levy. And he’s really passionate, gets it, and I think he understands where we’re at,” Druckmann said last year. “[Shawn Levy] wanting to tell a different story than the main four adventures—with potentially a young Nathan Drake, that fills in the gaps—I think is a lot more interesting than trying to retell Uncharted 1, 2, 3, and 4.”

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