New Zealand Transport Agency PSA

The New Zealand Transport Agency is back with another brilliant PSA about guys defying the “mate code”, and not letting their drunk friends drive. Via Adweek:

In a somewhat similar fashion to Palau, New Zealand takes its protection of the environment. As one enters the country, signs are prominently displayed articulating the strict laws designed to keep the island nation beautiful. Additionally, this ethos is ingrained in the country’s culture and people.

Kiwi attitudes for drunken driving is similarly intense. Like pretty much any country, New Zealanders look at drunken driving as a massive no-no, but what seems different is how the message is embedded throughout its culture. Look no further than the many checkpoints for drink-driving (the term used there) and one can see how seriously the issue is taken.

Since 1995, when drunk-driving campaigns started in earnest, attitudes have shifted to the positive, with 7 percent of women and 27 percent of men saying they would be comfortable driving after two drinks. Though there has been positive momentum, there is still room for improvement, especially in the country’s rural areas and among young males from the ages of 20-29.

“Despite significant shifts in drink-driving behavior, there’s still work to be done in provincial areas, particularly among young men,” said NZ Transport Agency principal adviser Rachel Prince. “We know that getting these guys to intervene — when they likely aren’t sober themselves — is a tough challenge.”

To that end, the New Zealand Transport Agency and their long-standing agency, Clemenger BBDO released “Dilemmas,” a long-form ad explicitly targeting that young audience, where driving after drinking is still considered acceptable.

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