OkGO and The One Moment

OkGo has a crazy new video called “The One Moment”, which celebrates salt and changing the world. Via News.com.au:

The American rock band — already famous for their iconic music videos — have reached new heights with their most recent video ‘The One Moment’ topping them all. They’ve danced on treadmills in perfect synchronisation and defied gravity aboard an aeroplane but none of their past iconic videos have been shot in just 4.2 seconds.

Premiering on Facebook yesterday, the cameras rapidly shoot one incredibly colourful, explosive moment and then proceed to slow that four second moment down to perfectly synchronise with the song.

OK Go singer and director of the video, Damian Kulash explained it was all about mathematical calculations and breaking down every single frame into a spreadsheet.

“Every single event had to have an exact time. We literally had a spreadsheet with the frame number in the video … Each of which corresponds to a millisecond of real time of when we’re shooting.” Some of the shots were slowed down by 20,000 percent from real time reports Rolling Stone.

The insanely sophisticated and complicated film includes everything from exploding watermelons to flipbooks with singing band members to cannonballs and swords.

And for those that had an internal cry at the 16 guitars exploding, Kulash explained “the guitars are all manufacturing defects. We want to blow up guitars but we don’t want to keep musical instruments out of the world.”

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