Pixar Supercut

Here is 30 years of Pixar in one huge supercut, running across their acclaimed films like Toy Story, Finding Nemo and Up. We’ve also just seen Finding Dory, and it’s great! Here’s also some Pixar trivia for your day, via Business Insider:

  1. The main building on campus is called the Steve Jobs Building.
  2. There’s an annual event called “Pixarpalooza.”
  3. Animators can go wild decorating their workspaces.
  4. They have an ergonomist come in on a weekly basis.
  5. Disney wanted the original “Toy Story” to be a musical.
  6. It didn’t (quite) start as a movie maker.
  7. The name “Pixar” sprang out of a conversation between the co-founders.
  8. When it started in 1986, its biggest product was the Pixar Imaging Computer.
  9. Before it was its own thing, it was part of Lucasfilm.
  10. It became its own company thanks to Steve Jobs.
  11. “Toy Story 2” was originally supposed to be direct-to-video.
  12. Movies take forever to make.
  13. The company is guided by a “Brain Trust.”
  14. It has a school called Pixar University: Free classes include sculpting, painting, ballet, and live-action filmmaking.
  15. Jobs wanted to sell it to Microsoft: The animation studio was bleeding money, so he thought to unload it. But then Pixar got Disney to distribute “Toy Story,” which became an instant cash cow.
  16. When one of its films blows up at the box office, bonuses are handed out by hand.
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