The Wild Detectives prank

The Wild Detectives

The Wild Detectives, a beloved Dallas bookstore, pranked its customers by pretending to convert itself into a travel agency. Via DMagazine:

The Wild Detectives is one of Dallas’ favorite bookshops, and it’s easy to see why. The charming historic house-turned-business in the Bishop Arts District not only offers reading materials, but also coffee, beer, and–most importantly–a tight-knit literary community complete with poetry readings, writing workshops, and more.

So, when the five-year-old shop made an announcement on its Facebook page on Sunday that The Wild Detectives was “no longer” a bookstore and was pivoting to become a travel agency, comments from devastated customers came rolling in. The post elicited hundreds of cry-face reactions. However, that emotional turmoil could’ve all been avoided by a quick trip to the “travel agency’s” new website.

The Wild Detectives is, in fact, “booking” trips now, but its announcement was more than a little bit deceiving. The bookstore just relaunched, a website that allows you to travel the world in literary vehicles, which it first launched last fall. That site is linked to the Wild Detectives’ new e-shop on, the only way to purchase books through WD while the physical store is closed.

You can check out their new site here.

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