Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner is a David Chang Netflix series which travels the world with his famous friends eating delicious food. It’s a fun watch, though we kinda prefer his previous series, Ugly Delicious. Via Eater:

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, David Chang’s latest Netflix series following last year’s Ugly Delicious, is several shows in one. It’s a buddy comedy, following the adventures of Chang and four famous friends (one per episode) as they eat their way through breakfast, lunch, and dinner in select cities around the world. It’s a talk show, with Chang making full use of the interviewing skills he’s honed on his podcast to get at the real version of celebrities used to hiding behind public personas. It’s a travel show that bears the obvious influence of Anthony Bourdain and his on-screen exploration of people, politics, and culture in destinations near and far. And throughout all of these different genres, the narrative device of mealtimes looms large; after all, Chang and co. are there to eat, and they eat a lot.

Which one of these distinct shows you’ll get in any given episode — or any given scene, for that matter — is wholly dependent on the precise mix of four separate elements: the relationship between Chang and his celebrity guest, the relationship between the guest and the audience, the relationship between the hosts and the location, and the relationship between the location and the audience.

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