Hybrids Short Film

Hybrids is a short film that’s also an Oscar contender, a gorgeous CGI film about a science fiction future, and it’s hard to believe that it’s a grad film. Via Short of the Week:

Yes, Hybrids really is that good. A contender for the 91st Academy Awards for Best Animation, the 6min grad film was created by Florian Brauch, Matthieu Pujol, Kim Tailhades, Yohan Thireau and Romain Thirion during their final year at CG animation school MoPA. Using exceptional craftsmanship, the 5 students have created a breathtaking world of hyperreal detail, but what lurks beneath the dazzling production is a sobering cautionary tale, the effects of which will stay with you long after the credits roll.

In the near future, our legacy forces marine wildlife to adapt to their surroundings with unimaginable consequences. Hybrids is a 3D animated film, set in the oceanic depths, revealing the brutality of survival and the catastrophic effects of pollution on our environment. The idea for Hybrids was born when Romain Thirion, an experienced diver, started noticing a drastic increase in ocean pollution, which in turn was causing an equally alarming decrease in the marine life population. On one particular occasion, during a dive, he spotted something shiny buried in the sand. What he thought was a small fish turned out to be a bottle cap, igniting the first spark which inspired the film.

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