Pax Aus 2018

Pax AUS 2018, the Penny Arcade Expo, is on today and this weekend — the biggest video gaming event in this part of the world. It’ll be in the Melbourne Convention Centre. Not sure what Pax is? Via Games Radar:

Everyone knows about Penny Arcade–the gaming webcomic that is somewhat responsible for the legitimacy of gaming webcomics–but for as big and important as Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik’s online comic is, it’s really their convention that has, more recently, become an astounding success. Starting in 2004 with a relatively strong showing that included the likes of Rooster Teeth and Microsoft, the convention has grown exponentially, with each year adding new exhibitors, new guests, and thousands of new attendees. By 2011, PAX Prime had 70,000 attendees–not bad, considering tickets were sold out weeks in advance.

The reason we said “PAX Prime” up there is because, now, there are actually three PAXs. There’s Prime in late August, the Seattle-based show that is, as of now, the largest of the conventions, as well as April’s PAX East in Boston, which has also grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years. In 2011 it was also joined by PAX Dev, a developer-exclusive pre-show to PAX Prime that continued in 2012.

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