I am Australian in Mabu Yawuru ngan-ga

ICYMI: A very special performance of “I am Australian” partly translated into the Mabu Yawuru ngan-ga language, sung by schoolkids. Via the ABC:

This music clip features iconic Aussie anthem “I am Australian” which was originally composed by Bruce Woodley AO and Dobe Newton and originally performed by The Seekers. It has been specially recorded for the ABC by almost 400 students from Broome Primary School, who sang it in Yawuru language and featuring kids from around Australia.

The ABC would like to thank the Mabu Yawuru ngan-ga language team and Yawuru Traditional Owners of Broome for providing the translation of the song “I Am Australian” and for assisting us in the making of this video.

“The Best Stories are Yours” was produced in-house by the ABC MADE team. External Director, Brendan Fletcher was engaged to direct the work and long-term audio partners, Uncanny Valley were engaged on musical arrangements and vocal recordings.

This was part of the #ABCYours campaign. As the ABC’s funding gets cut more and more over time — it has among the least funding of public broadcasters around the world — it’s nice to see that beautiful campaigns like this can still get made. With the ABC’s funding indexation about to be frozen for three years, it remains to be seen which services will get cut.

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