Jeff Bridges for Amstel

Jeff Bridges is an actual bridge in this strange if funny Amstel ad, which was created by Adam & Eve/DDB for the Heineken-owned beer company. Via B&T:

In a role he was born to play, actor Jeff Bridges has been turned into an actual bridge for Heineken-owned beer brand Amstel’s latest ad campaign.

The strange but humorous spot, “Bridges on bridges”, was created by Adam & Eve/DDB and features a larger than life version of Bridges quite literally bridged in an Amsterdam canal, acting as a path for pedestrians and cyclists.

As the actor reaches to pick up a huge pint of Amstel, he muses on how bridges can bring people together: “Amsterdam. The ‘dam. A city where togetherness is king. And why do you think that is? Bridges, man. And I should know because, well, I’m Jeff Bridges.” He continues: “You see, a bridge is not just a physical structure that connects two places – they allow people to come together, find common ground and literally bridge their differences. They’re powerful things, man. So, from the city of bridges, here’s to togetherness.”

The ad will debut on TV across the UK and Europe and will also run in cinemas and on video-on-demand and digital platforms.

Amstel is also planning a PR campaign based on the role pubs play in bringing people together in the UK.

Heineken brand director Nic Casby said: “We really wanted a campaign that would get the brand talked about.

“With Amsterdam, the brand’s home city, having plenty of famous cultural connotations, the initial discussions with the agency were about which of these could work to create something brave and culturally relevant.”

If you’re wondering why Jeff Bridges + beer feels familiar, yeah, the Dude was recently in a Stella ad.

Amstel is a Dutch brewery that was founded in 1870 on the Mauritskade in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It was taken over in 1968 by Heineken. After the brewing plant closed in 1982, production moved to the main Heineken plant at Zoeterwoude. Interested in discussing beer campaigns like this one? You can reach us here.

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