Life and Love in Advertising

Life and Love in Advertising as told through a series of ads is a short film by director Ben Callner, whose Superbowl spot Goat 4 Sale was highly regarded. Via Adweek:

What happens when you successfully crash the Super Bowl? For 10 years, Doritos offered aspiring commercial directors the chance at Big Game ad glory, with tens of thousands applying for one of the brand’s Super Bowl ad slots.

Ben Callner was one of the chosen few from Crash the Super Bowl, and his spot “Goat 4 Sale” (which you can revisit below) ended up being one of 2013’s top-ranked spots in polls like the USA Today Ad Meter.

The ad’s success did usher in a strong career for the Callner Brothers—Ben and producer sibling Adam—but it also locked in a reputation for them as slapstick comedy creators.

“After the Doritos ad, I was the goat guy for a year,” Ben Callner says. “A lot of comedy directors, you start to get pigeon-holed and put in a box.

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