Tiny Kitchen Makeover


The Tiny Kitchen Makeover campaign by Sofi is incredibly cute and satisfying to watch. Especially for people who grew up with dollhouses. Via Adweek:

Viral marketing agency Butterbar worked with Jannette Le, an architect and model enthusiast based in Melbourne, to create the video, which is aimed at social channels. A behind-the-scenes video offers more insight into the process of making the 1:30 clip, which took about three days of shooting, in addition to about three months Le spent crafting the model with her assistant.

“All of the floorboards were individually stained and laid,” Le, who acted as art director on the video, tells Adweek. “Cabinetry and furniture were hand-carved and then buffed and scratched to look worn. The marble countertops were hand-painted. We tried to use as many true-to-life materials as possible, to make it as realistic, so the doors are made a real wood, we used real wallpapering glue so that the peeling appeared authentic, and the floors were really made of vinyl.”

Adds Karen X Cheng, creative director at Butterbar, “Prior to the shoot, we spent months creating a 3-D model of the kitchen and then building all of the parts to assemble on shoot day. We were fortunate to have real architects on the team to build all of the details perfectly to scale. Though we had a perfect ‘before’ kitchen prepared ahead of the shoot day, the biggest challenge was that prior to the shoot day, no one had seen the ‘after’ kitchen. We of course had a 3-D model of the ‘after’ kitchen, all the components, and had mapped it out so all the pieces would theoretically fit together, but it was not until the shoot that we could see if it would work for real. It was a relief that it all came together.”

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