Virtual Biobank

With the Virtual Biobank, the University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute has changed the game in the search for a cure for cancer. Via Gizmodo:

Together they have created “The Virtual Biobank” – a world first platform hosting 3D copies of human cancer tissues. With tissue samples digitised, it means everything is accessible for researchers whenever they need it, wherever they are.

“It currently takes many months before researchers are able to obtain tissue samples from a physical biobank and carry out investigations with it,” Chief investigators Dr Jamie Flynn, Dr Antony Martin and Dr William Palmer explain.

Not only that, but once a researcher has performed their study, that sample usually can’t be used again.

The Virtual Biobank changes all of this.

“Each digital cancer sample in The Virtual Biobank is made up of high resolution microscopy images in both 2D and 3D, plus important clinical and molecular information that provides the foundation for virtual research into cancer,” Drs Flynn and Palmer told us.

“We’ve taken a tiny sample from tumor biopsies stored at the Hunter Cancer Biobank and converted them into a virtual copy – enabling anyone around the world with an internet connection to carry out research from their computers or easily request access to the physical sample they need.”

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