Fanta celebrates idiots

Fanta has a new ad from 72andSunny celebrating “idiot” influencers behind some of the Internet’s most viral stunts and videos. Via AdAge:

The playful European campaign by 72andSunny Amsterdam, titled “In the name of play,” sets out to celebrate the real people behind “some of the most hilariously dumb videos on the internet.” They include a man who does giraffe gymnastics, a girl who specializes in snow swimming and a guy whose set-piece is wheelbarrow tricks in a skate park. There’s also a man who videos himself sliding along an icy road with a cup of coffee, and a girl who dances in big pants.

A 90-second anthem film, directed by Biscuit’s Jeff Low, dramatically showcases the hard work behind each so-called “idiot” and their real-life internet clip. Styled like a sports ad, with footage of them “training” for their stunts and speaking about the hard work, pain and injury that goes into their chosen stunt, and set to cinematic soundtrack music, the montage builds up to an ending where we see their real-life (silly) internet video footage. The campaign also includes a 60-second TV spot and several 15- second clips focusing on the individual influencers.

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