Wind in the Willows

This Wind in the Willows trailer is actually a Wildlife Trusts environmental PSA, featuring VO work from Sir David Attenborough and Stephen Fry. Via the Drum:

Sir David Attenborough, Stephen Fry, Catherine Tate, Alison Steadman and Asim Chaudhry star in The Wildlife Trusts’ Wind in the Willows campaign that aims to stop the rapid depletion of the UK’s natural landscape.

The UK’s countryside told a far different tale when Kenneth Grahame wrote The Wind in the Willows over a100 years ago.

Since Grahame put pen to paper, a bewildering 97% of lowland meadows and the wildflowers, insects, mammals and birds they supported have completely disappeared, while 80% of purple heathlands have vanished – along with the blaeberries, sand lizards and nightjars that grew and frequented within them.

To raise awareness of the plight of the UK countryside, The Wildlife Trusts and Don’t Panic have pulled together the star-studded cast for a Wind in the Willows trailer that calls for a wilder future.

The film opens within the world of Wind in the Willows. Thick with foliage and fresh with wildflowers; a snoozing Ratty gently floats along the steam in his little wooden boat.

Produced in the manner of a movie trailer, the opening reads: “This Spring, it’s time to go back to the riverbank” and a montage of familiar earthly scenes unfold, featuring our favourite wildlife quartet: Badger, Ratty, Mole and Toad.

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