Our Articles


Blockchain and the Future of Marketing

By Anya Ow / April 13, 2022 / Comments Off on Blockchain and the Future of Marketing

Unless you’re already “in the know”, you might think of blockchain technology as something new, some sort of scam, or something to do with cryptocurrency. In fact, blockchain concepts have been around since 1982, when cryptographer David Chaum first proposed the concept in a dissertation. The modern decentralised blockchain as we know it was popularised […]

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What’s new in 2022?

By Anya Ow / December 6, 2021 / Comments Off on What’s new in 2022?

How is 2022 nearly here? Maybe it’s work from home compressing all our weeks into a singular time loop, but I was surprised to head into the city recently and realise that Myer had put up their Christmas decor. Is it really December already? Time seems to be compressing further and further… it feels like […]

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Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

By Anya Ow / May 4, 2021 / Comments Off on Influencer Marketing

“Do you want to be famous?” was the casting call used by the new HBO documentary, Fake Famous, luring young people into a new reality TV show aimed at creating a new influencer. Fake Famous is directed and narrated by tech journalist and Vanity Fair correspondent Nick Bilton. The title of the documentary clues viewers […]

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Brand Names Have Power

Brand Names Have Power

By Anya Ow / February 8, 2021 / Comments Off on Brand Names Have Power

Earlier this year, Heinz asked people to ‘draw ketchup’, by giving them pieces of paper and a tin of coloured pencils. Most people, they claim, drew Heinz bottles. I’m surprised that nobody drew bloody red puddles, but to be fair, had I been told to draw ketchup, I’d likely have drawn a Heinz bottle too. […]

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Brand Evolution or a Rebrand?

Brand Evolution or a Rebrand?

By Anya Ow / January 14, 2021 / Comments Off on Brand Evolution or a Rebrand?

Photo: AFP As I write this article, the Cleveland Indians, an American professional baseball team, has become the second major American team to drop a racist nickname. This follows the Washington Football Team, which was previously known as the Redskins. Cleveland had already phased out logos and imagery of its cartoon mascot, Chief Wahoo, after […]

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Holiday Season Retail in 2020

Holiday Season Retail in 2020

By Anya Ow / December 15, 2020 / Comments Off on Holiday Season Retail in 2020

If you’ve been remotely online for the last few months, you’d have likely seen retailers like John Lewis crank out their usual high budget Christmas ads – with a twist. Some of the ads, like Disney’s, don’t acknowledge the 900 pound COVID19 elephant in the room. Others, like John Lewis’, try to encourage people to […]

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Aussie Wine Exports

The Aussie Wine Exports Apocalypse

By Anya Ow / December 7, 2020 / Comments Off on The Aussie Wine Exports Apocalypse

You’ve probably seen the news by now if you’re anywhere near part of the industry: due to various reasons including the Australian Federal Government’s decision to ban Huawei from 5G networks and forming a new defence pact with Japan, China has hit Aussie wines with tariffs, ranging from 107-200%. The wine industry is only the […]

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Post-Pandemic Planning

Planning for the Post-Pandemic

By Anya Ow / April 24, 2020 / Comments Off on Planning for the Post-Pandemic

It’s been a scary few months, but Australians stepped up to the challenge. Whether it’s been working from home, keeping kids at home, or doing necessary delivery, healthcare, and other work, things in Australia so far look under control so far, enough that elective surgeries are opening up and restrictions are beginning to relax. Projections […]

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starting a home business

Starting a Business from Home

By Anya Ow / March 24, 2020 / Comments Off on Starting a Business from Home

Like us, you may be one of the many Australians who have decided to do their bit and stay home during these difficult times. You might be doing this because you have to — as one of the people who flew in from overseas and are self-isolating for two weeks, or because you’re working from […]

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pandemic covid italy

Pandemic Advertising

By Anya Ow / March 12, 2020 / Comments Off on Pandemic Advertising

When I visited the Duomo in Milan last year, it was packed. Tourists squeezed by the occasional local, taking pictures, piling into cafes, trying to get into the church. If you wanted to eat nearby, you had to dodge bomber pigeons and hordes of people hungry for overpriced pizza or Prada. Granted, it was near […]

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